DVDs (Import)

  • Under Siege - Alesia 52BC
    As resistance to the Roman invasion of Northern Europe collapsed, the Gallic warrior Vercingetorix marshalled 100,000 troops against the formidable and ruthless Roman legions, for what was to be a dramatic yet futile last stand at the famous hilltop fort of Alesia. The last of the fighting Gauls …
  • Under Siege - Ciudad Rodrigo 1812
    The bloody Peninsular War lasting from 1807 to 1814 saw the commanders of Britain consistently defeating the best French generals Napoleon's army had to offer in a series of famous pitched battles. Ciudad Rodrigo however was a different type of fight - siege warfare, where civilians and soldiers …
  • Under Siege - Leningrad 1941
    Few, if any siege in history, can compare to the grim, powerful story of the 'Hero City' that lost one million of its citizens as it steadfastly withstood a 900 day German blockade. Like Stalingrad, Leningrad's refusal to buckle under seemingly insurmountable odds became a symbol of Russian …
  • Under Siege - Newark 1643-46
    The story of the battles for the strategically vital town in Nottinghamshire is a classic example of how a siege was conducted during the long and bitter fighting of the English Civil War. The town was the gateway to the north of England and was the site of three separate sieges, as the armies of …
  • Under Siege - Verdun 1916
    This was the hellish, protracted siege known to many as 'The Mincer'. The fanatical French defence of the three forts - which had enormous psychological value to the whole nation - cost hundreds of thousands of lives and was, in part, the reason the Battle of the Somme was fought during the same …

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